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release_19.2 [2024/07/30 21:31]
admin [Bug Fixes]
release_19.2 [2024/10/02 12:36] (current)
admin [Bug Fixes]
Line 162: Line 162:
   * SS-6131: National Standing report's national average stats weren't being locally stored on a per-section basis   * SS-6131: National Standing report's national average stats weren't being locally stored on a per-section basis
   * Could display duplicate event labels for some events   * Could display duplicate event labels for some events
 +===== Patch (2024-08-20) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Fixed some minor formatting issues in the history report
 +  * Sticky header, and independently scrolling sidebar/page-content
 +  * Improved message in "Access granted by logins" report when there aren't any parent/guardian logins
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * Fixed server exception in scrubMember (due to deprecated LedgerPayment members)
 +  * Fixed a non-navigation problem when clicking on an event in "Home" | "My reports" | "My events"
 +  * "Reports" | "Event Signup/Attendance" shouldn't contain master/overview events
 +  * SS-6625: Parent logins weren't being told they hadn't paid for events
 +===== Patch (2024-09-10) =====
 +==== Better Large Report Usability ====
 +Large table reports now have the header rows and first column frozen, so that as you scroll up/down and left/right, you can always see the column headers and the youth's name (or login address) that is in the first column.
 +Additionally, the tabular report is sized to the available window height, so that you can always see the horizontal scroll bar.
 +There's an unfreeze icon in the upper left of each tabular report, that toggles between showing the whole report with no scrollbars and no frozen header/first column, and the new frozen format.
 +Frozen headers columns do not apply when viewing on small screens (less that 480 pixels wide) as the frozen first column will typically dominate the entire screen.
 +Additionally, when printing tabular reports, if the table spans multiple pages, the header row is repeated on each page.
 +==== Sort by Age ====
 +Going to "Account" | "Scouts" (or "Beavers", etc.) lets you sort the youth (only) "By Age" This sorts all t
 +he youth by descending age, grouped into years.  Youth with no birthdate specified are lumped in a special "unknown" group.
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Some reports shouldn't require that all youth be scorecarded before generating the report
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * Added missing training.js to manifest file, and manifest.js to index.html file
 +  * Multi-Event Owing report wasn't excluding some members based on flawed inactivity logic
 +  * For Scout logins, Personal Journey Cards weren't including in the Troop Log any events the youth hadn't attended
 +  * For Scout logins, Personal Journey Cards now have the option to select current vs. last year
 +===== Patch (2024-10-02) =====
 +==== Wallet Enhancements and Bug Fixes ====
 +  * When adding new member transaction, auto-select to/from account if it's the only choice
 +  * Zero All Event Balances should read "Zero all Outstanding Payments/Refunds", because it doesn't actually claim the event's profit for the troop
 +  * Tweaked wallet statement payment labels a bit
 +  * The "All" button at the top of the payment column in "Manage Signups/Attendance" now gives more options
 +  * Added "frozen" class to wallet statement tables
 +  * When adding new member transaction, Write-off Debt was showing "Into which Wallet" (rather than "Out of which...") for the source wallet
 +  * Member surplus claim should have resulted in negative wallet adjustment
 +  * RSVP: SS-6331: RSVP still expecting you to choose a wallet, even if track payments has been turned off
 +  * The (ignored) controls for event payment source were being shown for event debt write-off and overpayment claims
 +  * Event overpayment claims were being recorded as debt write-offs
 +  * SS-6310: Rounding error on event amounts owing
 +==== Frozen First Row/Column Enhancements and Bugs ====
 +  * SS-6366: Removed the "entire page" scrollbar, if you have a "content pane" scrollbar
 +  * Inventory main table now supports frozen tables
 +  * Added independently scrolling panes to support portal
 +  * Using .show on table-report-body is forcing it to "display: block"
 +  * SS-6379: Improved scrolling page height calculations
 +  * FIREFOX: SS-6392: More freeze pane tweaks to accommodate browser quirks
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Rendering vertical text as images can be replaced with better support for writing-mode and rotate
 +  * COMMITTEE: Always show Risk Category of events (even Risk Category 1)
 +  * COMMITTEE: SS-6374: Allow the visibility of subscription events to be changed
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * Fixed instance of "Leaders" in the text (actually, not visible by users, yet) and resolved some Chrome deprecation warnings
 +  * SS-6313: The "All" button in the upper-left of the Give Credit table wasn't doing anything
 +  * INVENTORY: Updating quantities to the "more info" required admin permissions, but generally inventory only should require "can update badges"
 +  * SS-6335: Duplicating a master/overview appears to duplicate the outingsubscription records, but doesn't actually create subscriber events
 +  * SS-6336: Index off-by-one error when deleting skipping duplicate LoginAccess records
 +  * Visibility being hard-toggled rather than using class for "Manage Signups" table
 +  * RSVP: Fee wasn't considering possibility of per-member overrides
 +  * Couldn't drill down to "Signup & Fee" options when creating a new event
 +  * Account | Access granted report, the caption "Login Email" has been overwritten by the freeze/unfreeze icon
 +  * SS-6297: Old logic relating to pre-national license behaviour needed to be wired off
 +  * Adding a single Scouter by "Add (Import by ID)" could create two Scouters with the same login
 +  * Fixed a SQL error when scrubbing member records
release_19.2.1722375112.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/07/30 21:31 by admin