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release_19.3 [2024/11/15 14:53]
admin [Miscellaneous Enhancements]
release_19.3 [2025/02/14 23:04] (current)
Line 133: Line 133:
   * FROZEN: SS-6497: Reports "stutter" when scrolling down   * FROZEN: SS-6497: Reports "stutter" when scrolling down
   * COMMITTEE: Committee edition accounts could get stuck thinking there were no badges (required Quick Fix)   * COMMITTEE: Committee edition accounts could get stuck thinking there were no badges (required Quick Fix)
 +===== Patch (2024-11-22) =====
 +==== Inventory Enhancements ====
 +  * SS-6541: "Inventory" | "Options" added an option to control whether demand includes only youth from this section (same as Ready-to-Award report)
 +  * Have a "don't update inventory" option when awarding (e.g., initializing a youth's records to the badges they currently have on their uniform, or for scouters)
 +  * Add tip to "Other" | "All Requirements" when some of the badges were marked as complete, reminding the Scouter to subsequently go to "Reports" | "Ready to award"
 +  * Have an "only show highest stage to be awarded", with an optional "auto-mark lower ready-to-be-awarded stages as awarded, without updating inventory"
 +==== Attachment Enhancements ====
 +  * EMAIL: Add "Attachments" checkbox to list of options in event-based Send Email
 +  * SS-5466: Allow "include attachment in AAF" to be toggled on/off (also, visibility), after attachment has been uploaded
 +  * SS-5466: Add new "Requires login" property (i.e., not included in emails, or in shared/embedded calendars)
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * EMAIL, RSVP: SS-3826: Add "RSVP Buttons" checkbox to list of options in event-based Send Email
 +  * Harmonize event attributes across sections, to make pushing/importing more consistent
 +  * HELP: Add a "Get Help" button when you can't sign in
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * FROZEN: SS-6529: Printing of tables truncated when frozen
 +  * FROZEN: SS-6534: Recent change broke "Update multiple Youth"
 +  * Too many clicks on up/down arrows in inventory stock/preferred quantities could trigger StaleStateExceptions
 +  * Clicking on shared link to event could navigate away from the event a second or two after showing the event
 +===== Patch (2024-11-29) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * SCHEMA: Improved cleanupDuplicateOutingIDs, and made it a janitor task
 +  * MULTIACCOUNT: Go to View Signups and the background colours are ugly
 +  * MULTIACCOUNT: Significant optimization of synchronization times when there are a lot of Master/Overview events
 +  * FROZEN: Added vertical resize handle to frozen tables
 +  * Removed unnecessary code from the "Who's Working on What" report
 +  * Prevent navigation away from Give Credit page without warning about unsaved edits
 +  * #filters can be implemented with setRadioValue
 +  * #customization-dialog modes can be implemented with setRadioValue.  Added div.hint explaining impact of changing logic.
 +  * Unwanted border line in Manage Signups tables header
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * SS-6546: Deprecation of pre-CP event label attributes meant that some events couldn't be opened
 +  * MULTIACCOUNT: When doing a search that finds a Master/Overview event, the single line label was reporting that there were "No participants"
 +  * PAYMENT: Going to "Account" | "Wallets" | "Event wallets" wasn't sizing the table correctly
 +  * PAYMENT: Going to "Account" | "Wallets" | "Member wallets" had an incorrect label for the back link
 +  * SS-6561: Bookmarking a requirement would temporarily result in the generated tooltip seen when hovering over the bookmark icon being prefixed by "title="
 +  * SS-6560: Give Credit table was showing seemingly unawarded blank cell for overridden subrequirements whose parent reqs had been marked as complete
 +  * If "Allow pre-paid dues" was disabled, the "Update multiple Scouts" table was looking weird (didn't have the prepaid column header, but still had the column cells)
 +  * SS-6564: Awarding more/less tally in Give Credit would only ever grant the outing's/member's default value, and, previously given tally credit couldn't be reversed
 +===== Patch (2024-12-06) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * TRAINING: Add topic for inventory "Add to Cart"
 +  * TRAINING: Add topic for how to edit/delete custom recipient list
 +  * TRAINING: Add topics for generating Personal Record Sheets
 +  * TRAINING: Add topic for adding AAF submission/approval deadlines
 +  * TRAINING: Add topics for enabling partial self-pay
 +  * TRAINING: Add topics for understanding the reconciliation report and list of event wallet
 +  * Show birthday picker for Other Participants
 +  * SS-5984: Better section names for Committees on shared calendars
 +  * SS-2004: Submission of AAF's with tour permits should emphasize that it's the GC's responsibility to get National's approval
 +  * SS-2017: Updated text for parent-helpers when signing up
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * TRAINING: SS-6568: Reference to old "Reports" | "Shopping list" (now part of "Account" | "Inventory")
 +  * Couldn't toggle ON event setting that allows partial self-pay
 +  * SS-6559: Adding/removing email attachments was actually updating the database, but not the display
 +  * IMPORT: One table wasn't automatically being hidden each time you went to the "Import from MyScouts" page
 +  * IMPORT: SS-6380: A second "import from MyScouts" would inactivate a pending ("Needs approval") Scouter
 +  * TROOP: SS-5397: The Chief Scout Award wasn't being included in the Troop "Wall Chart" report
 +  * SS-5397: The small versions of the top-section awards and the linking badges completion status weren't being recreated in the move-up section
 +  * SS-5497: Merging was not respecting the selected patrol
 +  * Merging was creating (harmless) duplicate qualification records
 +===== Patch (2025-01-17) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Fixed text alignment on #status-account-picker
 +  * SS-6810: the CP linking badge for the current section wasn't being set when a youth was moved up
 +  * Improved tracking of ledger payments if/when missing iledger happens, and then better user feedback
 +  * FAMILY: (Partial) Cleaned up product/edition-specific string replacement, first step towards making it cross-section
 +  * FAMILY: (Partial) Made edition lookups all member specific
 +  * SEA_SCOUTS: Toggling Sea Scouts on/off no longer requires a page reload
 +  * INVENTORY: Manually typing in an order quantity now shows the "Add to Cart" button
 +  * SS-6615: Made "Wallet Sharing" table report have frozen first row/col
 +  * HELLO: make sure these pages aren't indexed by Google
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * SS-6592, SS-6595, SS-6596: Mandrill escaping bug
 +  * PAYMENT: If you're looking at an Event Ledger Statement, and select a different current member, it changes the event name to the member name
 +  * PAYMENT: SS-6583: Merging members was causing some payments to be lost
 +  * Wrong timestamps were being set/checked in the migration of the CP linking and (small) top section awards
 +  * SEA_SCOUTS: Using "Use a different login" to switch between sea scouts and non sea scouts sections doesn't change vocabulary
 +  * SEA_SCOUTS, INVENTORY: Toggling sea scouts on->off shows "PL Epaulet" instead of "PL Woggle", i.e., uniform 0 elements, not uniform 1.  Reload solves
 +  * SEA_SCOUTS: "Add to Cart" links Sea Scout woggles to non Sea Scout variants
 +  * SS-6637: Duplicate satisfying qual listed on AAF
 +  * SS-6674: Got red-herring error message when trying to update member's event payments
 +===== Patch (2025-01-29) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements =====
 +  * AAF: Improving branding, terminology on approval form
 +  * Reduce the number of calendar rebuilds on page navigation
 +==== Bug Fixes =====
 +  * SS-6690: Syntax error when dealing with records for deleted members
 +  * COMMITTEE: SS-6691: Typo in one of the headers on sign-in page
 +  * SS-6690: Multi-day events weren't being shown as such if "Show other schedules" was disabled
 +  * AAF: SS-6696: Cannot approve AAF's since Friday's patch
 +  * EMAIL: SS-6698: Warning message about including Scouter-only attachments wasn't displaying
 +  * SS-6703: The Sign In button wasn't doing anything when sharing event links
 +  * Got rid of red herring message when opening event links
 +  * NEWSFEED: SS-6705: Posts were initially being rendered with full-size images
 +  * SS-6730: Transferring scouter logins didn't create a new login if there was an existing Login record with no LoginAccess records
 +  * AAF: SS-6734: Blank page on trying to approve AAF
 +  * CONSENT: SS-6734: Blank page when trying to view Consent Forms from Committee account
 +  * Found source of illegal iledger ASSERTS
 +===== Patch (2025-02-07) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * COMMITTEE: Tweaked committee version of the default Welcome Message email body
 +  * Make searching more resilient to plurals by changing search terms that end in "s" to "[s?]", i.e., so you can search on "recipients" and find topics that include "recipient"
 +  * SS-6749: List of Recent Locations shouldn't include imported/pushed events
 +  * PAYMENT: SS-6675: Allow for recording of Payments/Reimbursements/Deposits/Withdrawals and providing method of "Cash", "Cheque", "e-transfer", etc.
 +  * Better :hover colours over rounded tables
 +  * EMBED, COMMITTEE: Group calendars using the /all option should only show available sections in Settings
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * SS-6748: Broke RELEVANT_OUTINGS_ONLY toggle (always showed active youth, only)
 +  * SS-6751: Welcome Message email had a non-substituted "PROGRAM_NAME"
 +  * SS-6749: When viewing other schedules, the other accounts' events were incorrectly reporting that an AAF hadn't been submitted by the deadline
 +  * PAYMENT: Saving edited existing payment or reimbursement generates iledger issue
 +  * SS-6771: Embedded images in event description were showing up as candidate attachments when sending emails
 +  * SS-6767: Re-entering the event's attachments page was resetting the options (losing any unsaved changes)
 +  * EMBED: red border formatting around lightbox (not picking up product-specific styling)
 +  * EMBED, COMMITTEE:<section-key> was inappropriately showing a (non-functioning) list of selectable choices (as req'd by /all)
 +  * EMBED, COMMITTEE: Group calendars using the /all option were showing a dumb-looking label for the Group
 +  * EMBED: a Group-level calendar should not show "periodic element" icons for events
 +  * EMBED, COMMITTEE: SS-6775: Mouse-over of the little "element" swatch indicating which section the event was for was saying Venturer "Colony" (instead of Company)
 +  * IMPORT: SS-6773: Import of a previously-inactive scouter wasn't offering to reactivate that scouter, if none of the scouter's other details had changed 
 +===== Patch (2024-02-14) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * PAYMENT: SS-6687: Allow toggling of zero balance member ledgers
 +  * Better fundraising ledger support (member ledgers report, use "ScoutBucks" terminology)
 +  * If a youth has something in their fundraising account, then when they or RSVP, they have a combined-wallet option to pay
 +  * SS-6787: Shared wallets shouldn't show names of inactive youth, but should show inactive scouts in member's ledger statement
 +  * Support the "French Carnaval" seasonal challenge
release_19.3.1731682416.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/11/15 14:53 by admin