Reports can now be grouped by either “scout/cub” or by “badge”. This offers the ideal presentation for both a) going to the badge box, and b) handing out the badges to each youth in the ceremony.
Order of Scout “Personal Development” and “Outdoor Skills” activity badges swapped to conform with long-established paper record sheets and the handbook.
“Awarded' date now shows up in the badge details status.
Updated requirements for Scout Swimming and Sailing challenge badges to cover new acceptable certification levels.
Tweaked the UI presentation of auto requirements for Parent/Youth login accounts.
Highlight when Parent/Youth Logins have no accessed Scouts/Cubs defined (makes the login kinda useless!)
Moved the Save/Cancel buttons to the toolbar of the Youth/Login pickers… Scrolling to the bottom of the page to save was a pain.
Added a checkmark after badge links in certain badge requirements (e.g., Voyageur Scout Award has a requirement that that Citizenship/Leadership/PersonalDev/Outdoor activity badges all be earned), and the UI now shows which ones have been earned or not.
A variety of bug fixes (hopefully most of which you haven't encountered!)