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Release 10.2 - Key Features

Load Balancing

I now have multiple servers running ScoutsTracker. This provides redundancy so that if one of the servers should die, all traffic will be diverted to the other remaining server(s).

The key point for you is that this provides better uptime. I.e., there won't be dead time between a server crash and when I can remotely reboot it.

The key point for me is that for the first time in five years, I finally get to go places without always having to bring my laptop just in case I have to deal with a server crash.

Note: this is a pretty big change, and while the intent is that you should not notice any difference at all, there may be a few connection issues during the next 24 hours as the global domain name servers all get gradually updated. Please let me know of any problems signing in.


The “Ready to Award” report now allows you to multi-select badges to award. Additionally, the report now shows the uniform-specific badge image, to assist you when you head to the badge box. Finally, new youth (e.g., tenderpads and tenderfeet) are now included in the report. Technically youth aren't supposed to receive badges until they are fully invested, but people were confused by why some youth weren't showing up in the Ready to Award report. Now all youth who have completed badge requirements do, but their role is shown to allow the Scouter to make the decision to award a badge, or not.

Printing a signup sheet now includes the option to show notes. This means that you can print off your final sign-up list before a camp so that you have a record of (for example) which youth are being picked up early, or which parents are carpooling. On the other hand, when you post a signup sheet for parents/youth to fill out, you do not want the notes being shown as they could contain sensitive information about the youth.

Under “Account” | “Advanced” there is now an option to specify the name order of “First Last”, “Last, First”. This then affects how the youth are sorted in lists. If you've specified a “Display Name” value for the youth, then that value will override the name order. This preference affects only you, i.e., other users can set the name order as they see fit.

Anyone can now renew a standard group license. It used to be that only the person who set up the Group license could renew it, but that has been relaxed.

When an email can't be delivered, there is now a hint that instructs people how to find out what happened, and a “Learn more” link that explains the different undeliverable reasons and what steps you can take to ensure the next email gets delivered to the recipient. Additionally, the undeliverable status of “queued” now shows a scheduled icon, rather than an alert, because it's typical that queued emails do eventually get delivered.

The “create new account” process was revamped with different questions. People would forget their login and would then proceed to create a new blank Troop account for themselves (and eventually complain that their new blank account didn't contain their Troop records). Better handling and information text when you create either a login, or a new account, that uses the same email address but different password as is used by a login in a different account.

Bug Fixes (previously rolled out as patches)

Patch (2015-07-16)

Commissioner Edition Bugs

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes