Table of Contents

<< List of all previous releases

Release 11.3 - Key Features

Bulk Updates of Youth

You can now change multiple properties of multiple youth, simultaneously.

Additionally, if you change the status of the youth to “Inactive - Moved Up”, it'll now let you migrate a bunch of youth up to the next section, making end-of-year changes much simpler!

"Start a New Year" Guide

This is a seven-step guide (found on the “Home” page) to the things you need to do each year. E.g., reset the leadership roles, change patrols, update each youth's year-in-program.

It makes use of the new Bulk Updates of Youth feature to simplify the administrative tasks.

Additionally, this guide can be dismissed when it is no longer needed, whereupon it'll remain hidden until about this time, next year.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes