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Release 11.5 - Key Features

Transitioning to the Canadian Path Program

Now that the Canadian Path is mostly rolled out, many Groups/Areas are completely switching over to the new Program, and consequently want/need the ability to suppress the old Program lest the youth/parents be confused by program elements that are no longer relevant.

You can do this two ways… first, if your entire section is on the Canadian Path, you can flip a switch under “Account” | “Advanced” to say that the you are only working on the Canadian Path. If you do this, then all old Program elements will be hidden from both youth and Scouters, and when you create events, the “Related Requirements” will be limited to Canadian Path badges and awards.

On the other hand, if some of your youth still want to finish up their stars, or old Chief Scout's award, etc., then you can leave the Pack/Troop as not solely working on the Canadian Path (see above) but mark the younger youth as only working on the Canadian Path. This then hides the old Program elements from those youth who are only working on the Canadian Path, while still leaving the old Program elements visible to the Scouters and to any youth who are still finishing up the old Program. When the last of your youth have switched over to the Canadian Path, then you can flip the entire section over to the Canadian Path (see above) so that even the Scouters no longer see the old Program Elements. To mark a youth as being on the Canadian Path, go to “Account” | “Scouts” and you'll find an “Only working on Canadian Path” toggle for each youth.

The “Account” | “Scouts” | “Update multiple Scouts” and you can quickly specify (in bulk) which youth are on the Canadian Path.

There is a “Transition to the Canadian Path” button in on the “Home” page, that guides you through these options.

Other Canadian Path Enhancements

The “Who's working on what” report now reflects the youths' CP progression

The youth participation snapshot in the sidebar now shows CP top section award progress, and number of OAS Stages, and don't show any old Program details (e.g., stars) if the youth is working only on the Canadian Path.

In the “Give Credit” Table, the OAS badges are now shown sorted by stage.

The youths' Personal Record Sheets (i.e., found under “Home” | “My Reports” or “Troop Reports” | “Record Sheets”) now include the Progression and Top Section Award information, and don't show any old Program details if the youth is working only on the Canadian Path.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2017-07-22)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2016-07-28)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2016-08-24)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2016-09-02)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2016-09-10)

Bug Fixes

Embedded Calendar Enhancements

Patch (2016-09-17)

Patch (2016-10-05)


Bug Fixes

Patch (2016-10-07)


Bug Fixes

Patch (2016-10-14)


Bug Fixes