You couldn't see “Emails” | “Options” unless you had sent an email
“Use legacy lanyards” option was showing up for non-Troop sections under “Account” | “Advanced”
When drilling down to a badge from Related Requirements, you could see the wiki formatting codes
File attachment icons were blank if your document extension was uppercase (e.g., docx vs DOCX)
COMMISSIONERS: No “add new account” when starting out with a blank Area/Group
COMMISSIONERS: The “is official account” checkbox was showing up when clicking “Account” | “Sections” | “Add New Account”
The test for conflicts/relatedsections was not returning leader logins if the login was used both by an inactive and active leader
COMMISSIONERS: Switching between grouping by 'section level' or 'label' was not changing whether a section's name was annotated with it's level
COMMISSIONERS: Using the section 'filter' command was always suppressing the section's level annotation
COMMISSIONERS: The “(pending)” annotation doesn't show up when using the filter
COMMISSIONERS: unaccepted email invites to other commissioners showed “- undefined” in their name when grouped by section level
If you deleted a leader always deleted the associated login, even if there was another active leader using the same login
Watchdog timer wasn't running