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<< List of all previous releases

Release 15.1 - Key Features

Feature: IndexedDB Storage

When ScoutsTracker was initially implemented the only widely-supported solution for cross-session persistance of records was the HTML5 feature called “local storage”. However local storage has a number of shortcomings including and extremely limited storage quota, typically about 5 MB. For some extremely large accounts, this was proving to be insufficient.

Then, with iOS 13.2, Mobile Safari slashed the storage quota to around 2.6 MB, rendering it insufficient for moderately large accounts' data.

Consequently, the storage of schedule data has been migrated to the newer “IndexedDB” mechanism which has a vastly-larger storage capacity. From the user perspective, this new storage mechanism should have no visible. I.e., what worked before, will still work in the same way. However the chance of seeing an out-of-storage mechanism will be significantly reduced, and this migration now enables some future enhancements.

However, this does have the impact that with this release, Internet Explorer 11 is no longer supported, as it does not implement enough of the ECMAScript 6 standard to support an IndexedDB implementation.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes