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Release 15.2 - Key Features

Feature: AAF Updates

SC has updated the Adventure Application Form slightly, so ScoutsTracker now conforms to the latest version.

Additionally, due to popular demand, the members' relevant safety quals are now shown beside their name in the list of participants. In this manner, the GC can quickly be reassured that there are sufficient members with the appropriate quals attending the event.

As well there were the following minor changes

"Hamburger" Menu

In keeping with modern design practices, the left-hand sidebar can now be shown/hidden by clicking on ☰ in the toolbar. Normally, the menu is open when on wide screens, and hidden on narrow screens, but on medium screens (like tablets or smartphones in landscape mode) where the menu would normally display by default it's sometimes nice to be able to hide the menu and gain yourself some more real estate.

Mobile Calendar Enhancements

The calendar now shrinks down the information it displays as the screen gets smaller. E.g., when the display is small, it'll hide some of the icons it normally shows (e.g., favourite, subscription), hide the time/location, and reduce the event title to a single (clipped) line. This means that on very small screens (where you may only have a paltry 80-100 pixels) you'll still see that there's a Hike on Saturday, without having lots of information being displayed in ridiculously tall and narrow column.

Push Enhancements

Re-worked the push interface, so that the pusher is now explicitly prompted for how the event should be visible in the target accounts… e.g., should it be visible to everyone or just Scouters? Appropriate warnings are given to force the Commissioner to consider whether making something visible to everyone might be confusing if a section has alternative plans for that date.

Additionally, the pusher now has the ability to control whether the accounts' scouters are notified of the event, and if so, there is the ability to add some personalized text to the push notification (e.g., “I finally got around to creating the “BP Banquet” event that we discussed at the GC”)

Login Process Tweaks

Changed the Security PIN challenge dialog to

Additionally, under “Accounts” the item formerly known as “Connect via my other logins” has now been relabelled “Use a different login”

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2019-11-21)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2019-11-29)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2019-12-18)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2020-01-09)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes