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Release 16.0 - Key Features

Scouts Canada National Licence

ScoutsTracker is now free for all members of Scouts Canada.

Switching to a National licence also had some impacts. Most notably, the “Master” login that was previously a feature of Group/Area/Council licences is now a feature of an official Group account. This means that you can create an Master login for any Group, that will grant access to any of the section accounts in that Group.

This “Master” login setting used to exist under “Account” | “Licence”, but can now be found directly under “Account” (since there is no more “Licence”).

For security reasons, you can no longer change the Group of an official account, nor create a new Group account where one already exists.

But with everything being licensed, there was the real risk that Groups that had legacy accounts. To illustrate, consider a Pack that had recorded lots of records for 2014-18, but then due to a turnover in Scouters, the old Pack account lapsed, and eventually a new one was started in 2020 that now contains the latest information. The old account was still accessible, and indeed some of the Scouters did occasional consult it for ideas about past events. And there was never any risk that a Scouter would start adding events or updating badge records in the old lapsed account, because expired accounts cannot be updated. However, now with all accounts being licensed by National, there is no such thing as an expired account, and it would be theoretically possible for scouters to update the lapsed account rather than the current account. Consequently there is now an account “Status” setting, that can be used to mark an account as inactive, thereby preventing inadvertent updates. For accounts that expired recently, any admin can change the Status back to “Active”. But for accounts that expired more than several months ago, marking them as active will require an email to support asking that the legacy account be re-activated.

Adventure Teams

For years, Patrols (a.k.a., Lairs, Lodges) have been the standard way of dividing up a section in small working groups.

However, there is frequently a need to create additional event- or project-specific collections of youth, typically centred around a single Adventure. E.g., you might want a grouping of those Scouts going to WJ'24, or a groupings of the two gaggles of Venturers heading down to the Adirondacks for the Feb 7th weekend (one team doing the “beginner” peak, and one doing the “advanced” peak).

These special purpose grouping of members are called “Adventure Teams”. You can go to “Account” | “Scouts” | “Manage list of Adventure Teams” and create as many as you want (e.g., “Adirondack 2021 - Beginner” and “Adirondack 2021 - Advanced”), and assign members to them. Additionally, when editing a member's details, you can choose which Adventure Team(s) they belong to, in a manner similar to picking which Patrol they belong to.

Indeed, Adventure Teams are pretty similar to Patrols, but they have a couple of key differences

One key use of Adventure Teams is that you can now filter most key lists and reports by an Adventure Team (you'll find a new “Filter by” option at the top of the page), which then hides all the members who aren't on the selected Adventure Team*. E.g., you can edit the signup for an pre-Jamboree camp, and filter it by just those youth in the “WJ'24” Adventure Team, making it trivial to set only the appropriate youth as eligible for the camp (indeed there is now an “All” button above the signup page's “Eligible” column which marks/unmarks all the visible members as Eligible).

Similarly, when sending out emails about the Adirondack hike, you can filter the recipient Quick Pick list down to just the “Adirondack 2021 - Beginner” and select all members, and send a message, then send a slightly different message to all the “Adirondack 2021 - Advanced” members.

Another use of Adventure Teams is to support the new COVID-19 policies, specifically that you can divide your section in to two sub-sections (each having fewer than 16 youth, as per policy) that will meet in different locations.

There is also now an easier way to manage the membership in an Adventure Team (or Patrol). I.e., when you click “Account” | “Scouts” | “Manage list of Adventure Teams” (or Patrols), you'll be able to click through to the members, and quickly add/remove people, or change their role in (e.g., “Member”, “Assistant Team Lead”, “Team Lead”).

*Filtering also works by Patrols

Per-Member Event Fee Overrides

A long-requested feature is now available! In addition to setting the default Youth, Scouter and Guest pricing, you can also specify individual pricing for different members.

E.g., you have a Scout who can only stay one night of a two-night camp, so you only charge her $25 for the camp, rather than $40. Or, you have an in-Group implementation of a NOLB program in which you are subsidizing the costs for a couple of struggling families.

You can also use this manage different costs based on optional activities… e.g., if you have some youth that want to do a canyon zip-line near to the camp. These youths' fees can be adjusted to include the cost of the optional zip-lining.

Per-member pricing can be specified when editing and event and going to “Signup & Fee Options” | “Per-member overrides”.

COVID-19 Enhancements

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2020-07-07)

New Login Permission

There is a new “Can see everyone's private information” that grants access to the Emergency List. Previously, this was lumped in with the old “Can see all records” (which has now been renamed “Can see everyone's basic information”).

Additionally, more explicit warnings and a confirmation has been added to any attempt to grant someone “Can administer account” permission or the new “Can see everyone's private info” permission, including the acceptance of liability for privacy breaches.

All existing non-scouter “can administer account” permissions have been revoked (but can be re-granted, if needed).

Bug Fixes

Patch (2020-07-10)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2020-07-20)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2020-08-07)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes