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<< List of all previous releases

Release 16.1 - Key Features

COVID-19 Support

This release is centred around changes required to support the running of Program during the pandemic.

The current pandemic staged is tracked by Council, so each account can know its current stage.

The Attendance taking page now has a “Screened?” checkbox, and the ability to record attendance notes for contact tracing. A new self-assessment page is accessible from the attendance page, in case you need to ask the parents/youths the self-assessment questions. And there's a new “Only collect attendance” option on the attendance page that hides all the signup-related columns, making it less cluttered

The Adventure Application Form (AAF) has been modified to confirm to the new Pandemic form, and includes minor bug fixes and presentation enhancements. The AAF is now required for ALL non-virtual events (event Risk Category 1), as long as your Council is operating under a pandemic stage.

As well, the following tweaks were made:

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes