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Release 16.2 - Key Features

Event Crests

If you edit an event, you can now upload an image/photo of the event crest.

Once you do so, the image will be displayed when viewing the event, and more importantly, it'll automatically create an earnable badge for the event, which you can find under “Home” | “Other” | “Event Crests”. The new earnable event crest will have a single requirement that will be automatically satisfied depending on whether the youth was marked as having attended that event. So all you have to do is record who attended your event, and you can then go to “Reports” | “Ready to award”, and your event crests will be ready to hand out to those participants, along with any other completed badges. An inventory item is automatically created for the new crest, that you can initialize, and which will then be automatically decremented as you award the crest to participants.

Feel free to hand out crests to Scouters, too, but ScoutsTracker only tracks earned badges for youth members. I.e., there won't be an entry in the “Ready to Award” report for Scouters, and you'll have to manually update the inventory as you hand them out to Scouters.

Sort by Signup Order

In the signup sheet, there's now a new grouping option called “By Signup Order” that is a first step / aid in managing limited-capacity events. When this option is selected, the youth on the signup page are lumped into one of two groups: those that signed up YES, and those that did/have not signed up YES. The former are sorted by signup date, so you can clearly see which youth are first in line.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2020-09-15)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2020-09-16)

Bug Fixes

Patch (2020-09-17)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2020-09-21)

Bug Fixes

Patch (2020-09-24)

COVID-19 Support

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes