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Release 17.1 - Key Features

UN's Sustainability goals / Projects

ScoutsTracker now supports the Sustainability badges, and a new concept called “Projects”.

At the core of the Sustainability badges is the idea of “projects”.  Each tier requires that the youth complete a number of projects related to a Sustainability badge's related SDG's.

So what is a project?  Conceptually it's something that the youth will organize, that relates to one or more of the SDG's.  And the way I've implemented projects in ScoutsTracker is to allow sections to create a list of tasks–presumably following the Plan-Do-Review model!–that the section can then complete over a number of meetings and/or events.

In a lot of ways, a project will feel very similar to a badge… i.e., you can mark the tasks as complete in the same way as you can mark badge requirements as complete.  And when all the tasks have been completed, then the project is deemed to be complete and it'll automatically update the progress towards your Sustainability badges.  You can also add specific tasks from your project to an event's “Related Requirements”, and when you Give Credit after the event, the project tasks will be updated, just as badge requirements will be updated.

There is a new interface that lets a section create their own projects, along with a name, description, and ways to organize the tasks into meaningful and self-explanatory groups (e.g., Plan-Do-Review).  Projects move up with the youth, as a record of a youth's projects completed in younger sections will be required to assess whether the Sustainability badges are still complete in their current section.   Projects can be duplicated, if a section decides to use an existing project as the basis for creating a new project.  And of course, projects are searchable, and will show up in the Search results if there's a match in the name, description or any of the task descriptions.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes