SS-3903: Import (Copy) required a “Reload from Server” before you could see your imported event
SS-3903: Clicking “All” in Give Credit had no effect
AAF: SS-3910: On submission, you could get erroneous message that you were opted out of notifications, even if you hadn't
COLLABORATION: SS-3905: Scouter-only visibility of your Group's schedule wasn't being persisted
Non-admin Scouters couldn't update a couple of checkboxes under “My Login”
SS-3941: Clicking on youth names in “Who's working on what” report (and others) wasn't doing anything
SS-3919: When Bcc-only is enabled for an account, then email-specific emails should have two-deep contacts be given line precedence over outing contacts
NEWS FEED: Couldn't upload a banner image
NEWS FEED: Selecting “See more” was impacting multiple news feed items
NEWS FEED: When a news feed item contained a floating element, it was really messing up the height of the expanded news feed item
AAF: QR Code link is broken when you create & save your AAF without initially saving event