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Release 19.2 - Key Features

Paying for Events from Top-Up Wallets

ScoutsTracker has added the concept of a “wallet”, that is basically like a bank account in which financial transactions can be recorded, e.g., its balance can be topped-up with deposits, payments can be made for events, and transfers can be made between wallets.

The term “wallet” is being used rather than “account” because “account” already has meaning within ScoutsTracker (i.e., the entire collection of roster, events, badge progression, emails, inventory, etc.), and additionally, “wallet” better connotes the ability to pay for things directly from the wallet.

There is a wallet for each member, each event, and the Section itself.

When a parent/guardian gives you cash, a cheque or sends you an e-transfer, you can record that amount in the member's top-up wallet. Likewise, if your Group Committee, Sponsor, or other donor gives your Section money, you can record that amount in your Section's wallet.

A key feature of a member's wallet is that when a member signs up for an event that has a fee, the member can opt to pay the fee directly their wallet (provided there's sufficient balance), and not have to write a cheque or organize an e-transfer.

Similarly, when a Scouter records a signup, they can optionally record payment directly from the member's wallet. And when a refund or expense reimbursement is recorded, you'll have the ability to simply transfer the amount back into the member's wallet for use towards the next event.

One of the key goals of this feature is to dramatically reduce the amount of time Scouters spend processing external payments and chasing down unpaid fees! It is envisaged that parents will periodically give you a top-up cheque/e-transfer but thereafter, you can withdraw funds as necessary.

If a parent does still give you cash/cheque/e-transfer to pay for an event, when recording the payment in the event, ScoutsTracker will actually record their cash/cheque/e-transfer as a deposit into the member's wallet followed immediately by transfer to the event. This standard accounting practice means it's possible to “follow the money” via a formal wallet statement (like your bank statement) that shows all the money in/out of the wallet, with explicit references to any applicable event and/or member. I.e., a parent/guardian will have complete clarity as to what has happened the balance in their wallet.

And there are also other features and benefits. E.g., if the Section decides to subsidize an event, that subsidy can be recorded in the event's wallet (and will correspondingly appear as a deduction in the Section's wallet). And when reviewing the event's wallets, you can quickly see which events made a profit or lost money; and the Section can claim an event's profit or cover an event's loss, by transferring money in/out of the Section's wallet.

To support all this, there is now a new login permission called “Can see everyone's wallets”. Note, anyone with the “Can manage the schedule” can see an event's wallet as they need to track payments and expenses. However, simply needing to manage an event's finances should not entitle the login to see all of a member's other transactions, hence the new login permission.

There is now additional built-in Training to cover the basics of wallets and recording transactions.

Adult Scouters can Earn OAS Stages

There is a SC trial underway that lets all Scouters earn OAS. ScoutsTracker now lets you Give Credit and track Scouters' progression through the OAS stages.

To be clear, Scouters who are active Youth members in another section have already been able to earn OAS for quite some time, and this new feature just extends that ability to all Scouters.

Also, Scouters are able to earn only OAS stages… PAB's or other Program badges are still off-limits.

However, allowing adult Scouters to earn OAS is a concept that is under trial by Scouts Canada, and can be viewed as controversial. On the one hand, letting Scouters earn OAS stages lets Groups see how well skilled their Scouters are to help the Youth progress through the OAS, it lets parents identify Groups with the best-skilled Scouters, it lets SC identify which Skills need more resources, and it can contribute to a “whole Section” enthusiasm for OAS particularly in the older Sections. On the other hand, there is a valid concern that Scouters will unwittingly but inevitably shift the focus of the Section's activities from what the Youth need to what the Scouters want; and, it fundamentally goes against the dogma that Scouting is a Youth development program so that by allowing Scouters to track their skills, this basic philosophical tenet has been compromised.

For Sections that oppose the idea of allowing their all Scouters to track OAS, this new ability can be enabled/disabled by going to “Account” | “Program preferences”.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-05-16)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-06-24)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-07-11)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-07-24)

Shared Wallets

It is now possible for siblings, or parents/children, or spouses to share the same wallet.

This means that funds deposited to a top-up wallet can be used to pay for events attended by any of the members who share the wallet.

You can configure sharing by going to “Account” | “Wallets” | “Member wallets” | “Sharing”. There you'll see a table report, with names in both the rows and the columns. If two members are sharing a wallet, there will be a dot in the table cell corresponding to the row and column of the two members.

Clicking on a blank cell will cause the member designated in the column to start sharing the wallet of the member designated in the row. All the previously-recorded transactions from both members will be aggregated under the shared wallet.

You can also split apart a previously-shared wallet. I.e., clicking on a cell with a dot will create a new wallet for the member designated in the column, and migrate all the previously-recorded transactions pertaining to that member into their new wallet.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-07-31) Integration and Improvements

ScoutsTracker now integrates with for program badges and most uniform elements (woggles, council crests, etc.)

When you go to “Account” | “Inventory”, if you have a recommended order quantity (based on the stock you have on-hand, your preferred minimum stock, and the number of badges that are “complete but not yet awarded”), then an “Add to Cart” button will appear. Clicking this button will cause your shopping cart to be set to the required number for that specific badg e.

At the bottom of the report there is an “Add All to Cart” that will ensure your shopping cart contains *all* the recommended quantities for those badges needing ordering.

ScoutsTracker's “Add to Cart” does not impact anything else you might already have in your cart (e.g., if you're also purchasing a tent).

ScoutsTracker's “Add to Cart” is compatible with the ScoutShop “Group Order Tool”.

Note: there are some items which won't have an “Add to Cart” button, because they're either not carried by the ScoutShop (e.g., your Group's crest) or there's not enough information (e.g., ScoutsTracker doesn't track the exact language of a youth's language strip). You'll have to order them outside of ScoutsTracker.

Additionally, the Inventory report is now editable. I.e., you can quickly tweak the numbers of badges on-hand and the preferred number, or the recommended order quantity for all inventory items from a single page.

The “Reports” | “Shopping list” report has been deprecated, and is now supported by a “Show as shopping list” toggle when viewing “Account” | “Inventory”.

Miscellaneous Enhacements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-08-20)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-09-10)

Better Large Report Usability

Large table reports now have the header rows and first column frozen, so that as you scroll up/down and left/right, you can always see the column headers and the youth's name (or login address) that is in the first column.

Additionally, the tabular report is sized to the available window height, so that you can always see the horizontal scroll bar.

There's an unfreeze icon in the upper left of each tabular report, that toggles between showing the whole report with no scrollbars and no frozen header/first column, and the new frozen format.

Frozen headers columns do not apply when viewing on small screens (less that 480 pixels wide) as the frozen first column will typically dominate the entire screen.

Additionally, when printing tabular reports, if the table spans multiple pages, the header row is repeated on each page.

Sort by Age

Going to “Account” | “Scouts” (or “Beavers”, etc.) lets you sort the youth (only) “By Age”. This sorts all t he youth by descending age, grouped into years. Youth with no birthdate specified are lumped in a special “unknown” group.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch (2024-10-02)

Wallet Enhancements and Bug Fixes

Frozen First Row/Column Enhancements and Bugs

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes