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<< List of all previous releases

Release 4.0 - Key Features

Leader Tracking

Leader records: including name, rank, entry date, and active status, but also a link to the leader's Login information.

Leader participation in meetings and events can be specified just like the youth, and show up in the event summary and Attendance report in the same way

Leader records were automatically created for Leader logins, but you may want to review the data–especially the “joined” date, which defaulted to Aug 15, 2009 for all leaders.

Attendance Report

Spiffy report shows who (both youth and leaders) has attended what

Participation in future events are shown with the “planned” icon (instead of checkmark) so you can record expected attendance for upcoming events

The report can be filtered by label (e.g., “all events”, “meetings”, “camps”, etc.) AND by scouting year

The individual groupings in the Events report all have a link to the appropriately-filtered Attendance report


You can now see who from your section is currently using through familiar green, orange and grey orbs beside their names in “Account” | “Logins”

"Ready to Test" Report

The specific requirement numbers that are ready-to-test are now included in the report (previously it was just a link to the badge)

When a youth's ready-to-test requirements would finish off a badge, the words “(final requirements)” are appended to the list of ready-to-test requirements in the report, and also to the progress status when viewing the badge details

When the “Ready to Test” report is printed, it includes each requirement's text, so you can work from the print-out at the meeting without having to flip through the Handbook to look up the requirements.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes