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Release 4.3 - Key Features

Multiple Uniform Support

Youth now have a setting that indicates whether they are still wearing the tan shirt, or the new uniforms. This then changes what image the youth sees when looking at a badge details. You can change a youth's uniform by going to “Account” | “Cubs/Scouts/Ventures” and you'll find a uniform toggle option.

It also means that the inventory management now supports both new and old badges. If your troop is entirely new uniform or entirely old, you won't notice any difference, but for the majority of sections who have a mix, you'll now be able to manage your inventory counts separately.

Some uniform elements are being deprecated, so if your troop (for example) is all using the new uniform, you won't find any mentions of lanyards.

Multiple uniform support also show up in the youths' Personal Record Sheets.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch 4.3.1 (2011-11-22)

Bug Fixes

Miscellaneous Enhancements