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Release 5.7 - Key Features


You can now share badges and events!

Sharing badges simply lets you link to a badge or embed it your website, without requiring that the viewer sign in. The shared badge includes all your Section's customizations.

Sharing events also lets you link to a event or embed it in your website, again without requiring that the viewer sign in. However, it additionally gives the viewer the capability to import your badge into their ScoutsTracker.

This means that if you are organizing an Area Cuboree, you can share the event on your Area website, and any Packs using ScoutsTracker can add the event (including descriptions, cost, and related badge requirements) into their Schedules. Or if you ran a great meeting that addresses a particular badge requirement in an innovative way, you can share that with the rest of the SC community.

Events can also be shared between sections, so if the Troop is hosting a Group event, the Cubs and the Ventures can import the event details. Obviously, related badge requirements are omitted when you import an event from a different section.

Badges and Events can be shared via a link that you can include in email, chat, facebook postings; or can be embedded in your website.

Visibility / Off-the-Record Events

A common user request is to record events undertaken by youth outside of the Section (e.g., a solo community-service project, or a family camping trip). While you may want to capture these events to take advantage of any related badge requirements that contribute to the youth's progress, you may not want these events cluttering up your Section's records.

To this end the existing “shared” toggle has been replaced by a richer “visibility” setting that, in addition to the “everyone” and “leaders-only”, now lets you specify a new value of “limited”. This means that the event is visible only to the event participants and leaders. Furthermore, “limited” visibility events don't show up in the Sections records (e.g., on the Troop Schedule, the Company Events, or the Pack Summary Record Sheet).

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes

Patch 5.7.1 (2012-07-11)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Bug Fixes