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Release 6.10 - Key Features

New Underlying Platform

The platform was completely rebuilt… the operating system and libraries have all been brought up-to-date, and huge amounts of superfluous code have be removed. The result is a vastly streamlined application that starts in 2 seconds, rather than 24. This means that as patches are applied, you're less likely to encounter a “intermittent network connectivity” message if you do an operation while the server is restarting.

One key benefit is that upgrading the database libraries (which required updating the OS!), enables data replication as described below.

Hot Standby Replication

In addition to the nightly backups, database updates are now continuously streamed to a second hot standby server. In the event of a major server crash, the standby server can replace the main production server (in a manner of minutes), with all your current data intact.

Additionally, if the server were to crash. I'd now be alerted via email and text so that I could switch promote the standby to be new production server as quickly as possible.

Bug Fixes