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Release 6.5 - Key Features

Payment Tracking

One of the most requested features has been the ability to track whether youth have paid dues and event fees. ScoutsTracker now can do that for you, including the following features:


Youth/Parent Logins are now grouped by youth, so you can see which youth are accessed by which logins, and importantly, which youth aren't accessed by any logins.

Event editing interface is now streamlined, including consolidating the youth/leader attendance.

The event Signup and Payment interface is now consolidated, since the two are so closely linked.

Clicking on calendar will automatically create a “meeting” event, if it's on the same day of as your other meetings.

The “new/old” inventory toggle now saves your inventory edits just like the “next” and “prev” links.

Added a new “ineligible” signup status, so you can restrict signup to a subset of your youth (e.g., PL/APL camp).

Council and area crests now have new/old variants in your inventory. Chief Scout's award also now has new/old variants.

Added iPhone5 splash screens.

Bug Fixes