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Release 8.4 - Key Features


You can now attach files to your EVENTS (e.g., gear list, map of the hiking trail, etc). Files can optionally be flagged as “leader-only” so that you can share info (e.g., duty roster, SC forms) that wouldn't otherwise be of interest (and won't be visible) to the youth and/or their parents.

You can now attach files to your EMAILS, so your youth and/or parents can get the information they need without having to click on a link to view the event details in ScoutsTracker. Additionally, if the email is about a specific event, you can quickly pick from existing event attachments (e.g., gear list, directions to camp) rather than having to browse to your desktop and risk attaching a different version of the file that's already attached to your event.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

Draft Emails are now properly saved, so that you can maintain any number of draft emails that you can access from any device, rather than just having a single locally stored draft.

You can now specify a prefix (e.g., “CUBS”) that will automatically get prepended to your email subject to help youth/parents recognize that emails are about a Pack activity.

Entering a collaboration section key in the invitation field now just does the right thing (i.e., treats it like you clicked “Add other section”), rather than simply telling you that they key isn't a valid invitation.

All new youth are created with the new uniform, rather than evaluating the most-commonly used uniform and using that as the default.

Bug Fixes

Most of the following had been rolled out in previous patches, but bear documenting