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Release 8.5 - Key Features
Email Bounce Indicators
When you view an email from your archives, you'll see a little indicator if the email couldn't be delivered. Reasons could be because it's a bad address (hard bounce) or because the mailbox was full (soft bounce) or that the mail delivery service has been unable to contact the recipient (deferred), etc. Also, these statuses can change… e.g., when you first send an email to an invalid email mailbox, it will be marked as “sent”, because the receiving server may not get around to reporting that the mailbox is invalid for a few hours (or days!).
Soft Deletes
Now when you “delete” a youth, it is just flagged as such, rather than having all its records removed. There have been a few instances of squabbles between leaders in which one leader would rage quit and delete a bunch of the youths' records. Restoring those records from the nightly backups was a very time-consuming process on my part. So now all I have to do is edit the database and remove the “deleted” flag.
Miscellaneous Enhancements
Add pick-list for suitable moveup/linkup targets
Attendance report now shows outings that pre-date joining as ineligible
Notes icon is now clickable, so you can view long notes and click on embedded links
Notes tooltip clips very wide text
added Volume License Cost Adjuster spreadsheet to website, for Areas that are looking at how to rationalize costs between sections that do and don't have existing ScoutsTracker licenses.
added user-agent to presence table to simply debugging
suppress list of youth in leader-only events
Bug Fixes
Many of these had already been rolled out in patches, but are worth mentioning for posterity.
Adding/deleting attachment to/from non-event email attachment wasn't immediately updating list of attachments
Changing the “Current Scout” wasn't causing “My Events” to update correctly if you got to “My Events” by clicking on the summary below the Current Scout.
Trying to move up youth generated a “that's an invalid key” message
Couldn't drill down on subscribed events in embedded calendars
Some embedded calendars entries would be tagged by generic section type (e.g., “Pack”) instead of by the actual name (e.g., “Tuesday Cubs”).
Ready-to-Test report could freeze on scorecarding a youth
Ready-to-Test report print-out was including events just marked as complete
Changes to source event's labels (e.g., 3-days instead of 2-days) weren't propagated to subscribers
Attachment.updatedby_id is db-specific, should use login key instead