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Release 9.0 - Key Features

Youth Led Management

You now have the OPTION to grant any login the ability to help manage the account. This lets the youth in the Company Executive or Court of Honour update the section's schedule, or send emails to members. In particular, there are the following five permissions

The “administrator” permission governs the ability to change account settings, add/remove members, customize badges, etc. This corresponds to the old “can update records” setting. Note: logins with this permission have complete control over the account!

The “can see all records” permission lets the login SEE all the records (but not necessarily update anything). This corresponds to what leaders who did NOT have the “can update records” setting could see. Note: this permission lets a youth see other youths' records.

The “can manage the schedule” permission determines whether the login can add/modify/remove events from the schedule, including sign-up and payment information.

The “can update badges” permission lets the login mark badge requirements as complete, and award badges.

The “can send emails” permission lets the login send emails to scouters/youth/parents.

Obviously, this feature is more attuned to the senior sections, so the ability to grant permissions to youth can be completely disabled (indeed, it is disabled by default).

Miscellaneous Bug Fixes