Removed extraneous column in badge requirements of Personal Record Sheets
Targeted Fundraiser “badge” was appearing in Venturer Personal Record Sheet
Clicking on note in “Ready to Test” report was not switching the current Scout. But the shown note is for the current scout.
Couldn't edit leaders' attendance from within edit-event
Go to Ready-to-Test report. Click on Note. The “Troop Notes” section is editable, but there is only an “Edit” button, not a “Save” button
Two-night camp would only give credit for 1 night in YRC award
Through “Give Credit”, update a youth's tally (e.g., YRC Winter #1), and “Save”. Re-Give credit and try to tweak the value again. There's NOTHING that indicates you can't do it, and indeed the badge is updated and may be marked as complete. But if you do a Reload from Server, you'll find the credit is right back where it started
“Insert previous Thread” button didn't always do what it was supposed to
Entering spaces in the leader cost would result in a warning message
Bad vertical alignment of alert icon beside “Account” in the sidebar
Couldn't redeem a license key if tech_email field was blank
Caught potential NPE when cached data is corrupted
Reference to missing function line in log.js
blockquote elements weren't formatting nicely in badge/event markups
Fee wasn't being suppressed in zero-cost events, immediately after saving updating
COMMISSIONER: having many section events could cause calendar to hang when navigating between months
BEAVERS: more clearly identified UK program elements
PATHFINDERS: “Movies, Music and More!” category counts were showing zero
PATHFINDERS: “Let's Take it Outside” listed no badges on Wall Chart, and Program Area Count wasn't tallying correctly