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Release 16.8 - Key Features

Operating System and Libraries Upgrade

In order to stay abreast of the latest security patches, the server operating system was upgraded. This necessitated the simultaneous updating of many libraries and software packages.

AAF Deadline Reminders

The Group Commissioner account now has the optional ability to set the required lead time for AAF submissions. If set, any section event that requires is missing an AAF will have a corresponding “AAF Submission Deadline” reminder event shown on the schedule (much like the “Signup Deadline” reminder events that already exist). Once an AAF is submitted, the AAF Deadline reminder event disappears.

If an AAF is not approved by the GC-imposed deadline, then the event is highlighted in red, along with the reason–e.g., “No AAF submitted”, or “AAF not approved by GC”, or “AAF no longer valid” (in the case of changes to risk category, etc.)–so Scouters will have a clue why they shouldn't be holding the event.

Correspondingly, in the Commissioner account, any event that has a submitted AAF that needs approval has a “AAF Approval Deadline” reminder event so the GC can see which events need attention. Again, any event that doesn't have an approved AAF by the GC-imposed deadline is highlighted in red, indicating that it is at risk or shouldn't be held.

The AAF deadline can be set under “Schedule” | “Options”.

Bug Fixes

  • SS-3057: Updating logins could hang (and then timeout) under specific circumstances
  • SS-3058: Not all Mandrill opt-in permissions being updated, when a login is updated
  • SS-3074: If you copied HTML into the Troop News from parts of ScoutsTracker, you could bring in ID attributes that would have strange effects
  • Unnecessary “ in a message box
  • Signup deadline reminders that are after the event (e.g., as a result of rescheduling an event, but not updating the signup deadline) are no longer shown
release_16.8.1610120246.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/01/08 15:37 by admin