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Release 17.6 - Key Features

Continuing Evolution of Database Schema

As part of the roadmap towards a new Identity Model, a number of difference in the ways that Scouters and Youth were stored and processed were aligned.

Specifically, the Scouters 'is excluded' and 'other email addresses' properties are now implemented with using the same constructs as the youths' contacts, and all processing is handled identically.

And, the client code was streamlined to use a single 'Members' table, rather than distinct 'Youth' and 'Scouters' tables. The server was modified to generate the consolidated 'Members' table, but still returns the distinct 'Youth' and ' Scouters' table to accommodate browers that resist updating the ScoutsTracker client code.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

  • Added an “Auto-assign by age” option to “Update multiple youth”
  • Hide Leader “Other emails” if “is excluded” is enabled
  • Don't show “is included in final report” on the calendar view
  • Better alignment of official.gif
  • NEWSFEED: A description of who will see a post is now provided for your account's own posts

Bug Fixes

  • “Update multiple youth” wasn't updating display
  • Missing prefix when reporting service worker version
  • “Quick Fix” button on loading page had an error
  • “Scouts Canada” could show up twice in the list of collaborations
  • SS-4197: Tweaked year-in-program implementation to use current Scouting year (so late-in-the-season imports aren't off-by-one)
  • SS-4223: Moving/linking youth up in bulk was broken (clicking Next didn't do anything)
  • SS-4238: Couldn't update your own login signature if you were an admin but had never previously been granted “can send emails”
  • HELLO: SS-4229: Bookmarking the extra tab was sending you to the /About tab
  • COMMITTEE: SS-4423: Embededded calendars were not fetching events
release_17.6.1647628498.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/03/18 18:34 by admin