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Writing /opt/dakemi/phoenix/src/web - website/dokuwiki-data/meta/import_format.meta failed

Import Format

An export from MyScouts can be imported directly into ScoutsTracker. The following information applies only if you have records for youth and leaders in a non-MyScouts spreadsheet.

  • The spreadsheet must be in an .xls format (i.e., not .xlsx), or a delimited text file (e.g., “.csv”, “.txt”, “.tsv”)
  • A header row must exist, and must be on row 2 (row 1 is ignored).
  • All the header labels specified below are case insensitive (i.e., you can use upper or lower-case letters, or a mix… it doesn't matter)
  • You cannot add or remove bits from the header labels (e.g., if the required label is Email Address, then you cannot just specify Email)
  • It does not matter which columns are which order (e.g., you can make column 1 be First Name or Member Type or Status)
  • Columns not specified below will be safely ignored (i.e., if you have a custom Allergies column, it will not interfere with the import)
Column Label Required? Default Value Description
Organization Required none The name of your section (e.g., “1st Muddy Paw B Colony”). If members are active in multiple sections they'll need multiple rows in the spreadsheet
Organization Sub Type Optional Your Section level The section this member should import into. Only used when including multiple sections and doing group-wide imports. Must be one of “Beaver Colony”, “Cub Pack”, “Scout Troop”, “Venturer Company”, “Rover Crew”, or “Committee”. If members are active in multiple sections, they'll need multiple rows in the spreadsheet.
Member Type Required none Either “Volunteer” or “Participant” or “Non Member” (case insensitive)
First Name Required blank The member's given name.
Last Name Required blank The member's surname.
Display Name Optional blank A nickname, or abbreviation (e.g., “Michael C”) to display in lieu of First Name and Last Name.
Member Number Required blank A unique identifier (e.g., Scouts Canada member number). This field prevents repeated imports from creating duplicate records.
Scouting Role Optional “Scout” or “Scout Counsellor” Participants: “Scout” (or other section specific name)
Volunteers: One of “Troop Scouter” or “Scout Counsellor”
Non Members: One of “Parent Overnight”, “Parent Helper”, “Adult Overnight”, “Friend”
Status Optional active Either “active” or “pending” or “inactive” (case insensitive). For leaders, a value of either “pending” or “inactive” will immediately inactivate a scouter, but the list is scanned for multiple entries for the same member, and if there is an entry that is both “active” AND “pending” (as can happen if the report contains records for both this year and next year) the “pending” row will be skipped
Email Address Optional blank An email to use to automatically create a Login for this member.
Birth Date Optional blank Only applicable to youth. Scouter's birthdates are ignored.
Join Date Optional blank The date the member joined Scouting.
Photo Consent Optional blank A flag (“true”/“false”) indicating whether they've given Scouts Canada permission to use photos
Daytime Phone Optional blank A phone number.
Evening Phone Optional blank A phone number.
Alternate Phone Optional blank A phone number.
PRC Expiry Optional blank A date. (NOT CURRENTLY SUPPORTED)
Notes Optional blank Extra data/text that you want recorded for participants.
Create Login Optional true A flag (“true”/“false”) that specifies whether a login should be created for this member using the specified email address. If 'false', no login will be created


The following is an example of a spreadsheet that would be successfully be imported. It would create two leader records, three youth records, and the Logins for two leaders and one youth. The custom Allergies column would be ignored.

1 1st Newbury Pack ← Ignored row
2 Member Type FIRST NAME lastname email address Scouting Role Organization Allergies ← Mandatory header row
3 Volunteer Tony Stark Troop Scouter 1st Muddy Paw none ← Member records start here
4 PARTICIPANT Kylie Wylie APL 1st Muddy Paw none
5 participant Wei Xiang pl 1st Muddy Paw none
6 PaRtiCiPant Marcus Cassius 1st Muddy Paw peanuts, eggs
7 volunteer Cynthia Wilson 1st Muddy Paw none
8 PARENT Mom Smith 1st Muddy Paw none
9 adult Joe Trainer 1st Muddy Paw none
^ ignored column
import_format.txt · Last modified: 2024/06/18 19:46 by admin