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Release 13.4 - Key Features

Images Size Restiction Removed for Events/Notes/News/Special Awards

I've removed the old restriction that Event Descriptions, Troop News, Badge Requirement Notes, etc. images had to be small.

Now, embedded images are extracted and saved as invisible attachments that get shown in the write place, the same way that email allows images to be shown in place, but relay managed as attachments.

The downside is that you won't be able to see images when running off-line.

Attachments for News/Notes/Special Awards

You can now attach documents to Troop New, Badge Requirement Notes and Special Awards.

Most notably, this lets you attach the Pack's Code-of-Conduct, or a Fundraising Flyer to your “News”, however, it also ought to give more flexibility in youth carrying out their PAB plans… I.e., a Scout could attach a spreadsheet of th e trip budget, or a Cub could attach some photos of her successful model rocket launch.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

  • Why does “Update Multiple Cubs” take your to gotoBulkMigrate when you change the status… could it not auto-next to the migration page?
  • Add a “Copied…” lightbox after clicking “Copy” on the Section Usage Report
  • Enabled “forever” as History Report IFF “include requirements” is disabled
  • Add “since the beginning of this season” to the History Report
  • Offer to update number of licenses if volume discount means increasing the # of accounts is cheaper
  • Suppress “Reports” | “Program Maps” for non-Colony accounts
  • Add printing tips to “Home” | “The Pond Map”
  • Add number-of-rows option to Troop News

Bug Fixes

  • Run in IE11 and continue fixing the “unmatched end tag.” warnings
  • Master login security PIN wasn't being used by section accounts that had previously configured a security PIN
  • Requirement sorting algorithm was not handling multiple badges correctly
  • Warning about culling unawarded requirements after Give Credit should only be considering participating youth, not all youth
  • Sort events before adding them so that they're added in the same order as their multi-day extensions are
  • Suppress a red-herring message when off-line

Patch (2018-07-10)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

  • Expose “Special Awards” and “All Requirements” in “Other”, including for the youth (used to be buried under “Account” | “Scouts”)
  • Moved editing of Troop News to its own page
  • Added enhanced support for detecting active edits and switching pages
  • Prevent switching the youth on specific pages (e.g., Special Awards)
  • Gave Troop News a slightly-different background colour
  • ADMIN: Cleaned up “other-category” implementation
  • ADMIN: Renamed event-attachments, since page is also used by notes/special awards/news

Bug Fixes

  • Changing text color of bold in tinymce editor makes its font-weight 300
  • CHROME: worked around Chromium bug in which borders in “All Requirements” table looked ugly
  • Embedded images cause “src=cid…”, but browser is then complaining because it's not from a secure source

Patch (2018-07-16)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

  • Sign into any section, show the SC-National calendar for July 2018, and you'll see that the events on Aug 1st/2nd are not in a consistent order
  • Update Scouts Canada National schedule with holidays
  • Prevent switching youth while editing notes
  • ADMIN: Allow the does the “support” link point to an NSO-specific attachSupportLogin method
  • ADMIN: Make support logins NOT be counted in the last_activity measures
  • ADMIN: Don't report expiries for NSO's that have nationwide-licenses
  • ADMIN: Better branding for admin page (formerly known as soaptest)
  • ADMIN: Support multiple support logins
  • ADMIN: Links to show info and add support to volume's listed sections

Bug Fixes

  • “Account” | “License” | “Usage” report was mis-counting the number of available licenses if the Volume was expired
  • Uninviting a section wasn't resulting in it being removed from a license, iff the the section's license was the same as the removing sections
  • When showing other schedules on the calendar, clicking on a local event wasn't actually viewing the event
release_13.4.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/23 17:11 (external edit)