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release_14.4 [2019/05/03 19:43]
release_14.4 [2020/12/23 17:11] (current)
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 +[[Release_Notes|<< List of all previous releases]]
 +====== Release 14.4 - Key Features ======
 +===== Qualifications =====
 +Members (youth and Scouter) can now have (expiring) qualifications.
 +There is a default set of qualifications provided, but you can go to "Account" | "Advanced" | "Manage list of qualifications" if you need to add to the list of available qualifications.  If you modify a standard report (e.g., SFA, SG) yo
 +u can always revert it back to the default definition at a later date.
 +Standard qualifications all have a progression, so that it is understood that WFA is higher than SFA which is higher than EFA, etc.  This also applies to the standard swimming qualifications.
 +Qualifications all have a default term (e.g., 2 years, 3 years, or "never expiring"), and can be grouped into categories.
 +When granting a qualification to a member, it is initialized to the default term (e.g., 2 years), but you can change that to be any exact expiry date.  You can also record notes about that member's qualification (e.g., which course they took, or whether it contained extra material, etc.)
 +Member's qualifications are highlighted with a red alert icon when they are within 60 days of expiring, or are already expired.
 +Qualifications are copied as the member is transferred to or moves up a different account.
 +There is a new "Member Qualifications" report under "Reports" This shows all members and all possible qualifications (including your section's customized ones), and the number of days until the qualification expires.  Clicking on any c
 +ell in this report will let you quickly grant a specific qualification to a specific member.
 +Events now have a "Safety Qualifications" item (mandatory for all events except "Important Dates").  Clicking on this will let you choose one or more qualifications, and specify the number of participants who must have that level (or higher), based on the SC policies.  There are links to the SC policies, but it is the responsibility of the event organizers to ensure that the minimum qualifications are appropriate to the event and comply with SC policies.
 +If signup is enabled for an event, then the relevant member qualifications are shown in the signup form.  In this manner, you can see which members might need to be encouraged to participate to meet your designated minimum safety qualifications requirements.  Only the relevant qualifications are shown, so if the event requires first aid, but not swimming, then only the members' First Aid qualifications will be listed.   The member qualifications are also included in the printable signup worksheet, so if you bring the signup sheet to camp, you can refer to it and quickly find out who needs to be supervising aquatic activities or who can be called on to do some first aid.
 +The event's minimum qualifications are deemed to be satisfied when a sufficient number of participants with the designated qualification (or higher) have signed up as "YES" or "MAYBE".
 +Viewing an event shows the event's minimum qualifications, and additionally shows any qualification shortfall.  E.g., if the event requires both AWFA and BC, but you only have one participant signed up with AWFA, then it will show a red
 +alert icon beside an indication that you still need 1 more participant with this qualification.
 +In the calendar, upcoming events will be highlighted with a red icon if either a) the event does not have any required safety qualifications, or b) the if the event has signup enabled, but does not have required qualifications but does not yet have the participants to satisfy those minimum requirements.
 +Subscribed events' minimum safety qualifications are set by the event originators.
 +===== Miscellaneous Enhancements  =====
 +  * AU: Suppressed emergency info/notes/member number at SA's request
 +  * Much nicer vertical text rendering
 +===== Bug Fixes  =====
 +  * Embedded Group calendar with "all sections" not included was spitting out an error
 +  * SS-790: The "Bcc Only" checkbox was being ignored when creating logins while manually adding new youth
 +  * SS-823: Old program related requirements were being listed, even if the section has gone to "Only on Canadian Path"
 +  * Uploading tallies needs to have event name URI encoded
 +  * Email composition window wasn't showing bold/italic, or heading sizes
 +  * Fixed spacing/layout in the badge customization preview
 +  * SS-914: Incorrect number of event emails
 +  * SS-912: Rebuilding an embedded calendar from cached events doesn't implement multi-day event highlighting
 +  * SS-914: Refresh button of "Email History" isn't filtering by event ID
 +  * History Report would trigger an ASSERT
 +  * AU: 'unrecognized user' hints were just referring to "Unit" rather than "Scout Unit"
 +  * Month field in embedded calendar was shifting a bit as you moved from month to month
 +  * QUADRANT: Merging youth is not deleting one of the Companies
 +  * HELLO: If resizing the header fonts ever got fontsize below zero, they'd never re-enlarge
 +  * SS-937: COMPANY: previously selected Program Areas weren't being displayed in the UI when re-editing an event
 +  * AU: PRS "Completed Outings" referred to "2019-2020" rather than just "2019"
 +  * AU: Some logic typos with Bushcraftskills OAS skills
 +  * AU: Error in calculating the completion of Peak award
 +===== Patch (2019-03-29) =====
 +==== Qualifications Enhancements ====
 +  * Added an advanced option to let you see the types of events that'll generate warnings if there are no safety quals.  So you can now ignore your weekly meetings if you know that all your Scouters are EFA certified.
 +  * Add an optional "equivalent qual" property for custom quals (so you can make sure that someone with a custom qual like EMS or HCP satisfies SFA)
 +  * Provided a means to say that required safety quals will be satisfied by non-Troop members (to handle all-sections camp where there's no Colony scouters with Bronze Cross, but tons of Vents with the qual)
 +  * Automatic meeting creation copies the safety quals from the latest meeting
 +  * SS-969: Signup was showing the lowest member qual that satisfied the event's required safety qualification.  A better choice would be the highest member qual.
 +  * Added indicator that "Member Qualifications" is reporting days until expiry
 +==== Qualifications Bugs ====
 +  * Deleting a member qual wasn't updating the member's list of quals until after you saved the member
 +  * Updating a member qual wasn't making the notes you added re-editable until you saved the member
 +  * SS-962: Couldn't make changes to events with no qualifications if that event was a subscription to another section's events
 +  * SS-969: Adding new qualification from "Reports" | "Member Qualifications" report wasn't saving the changes
 +  * SS-965: Non-expiring quals (e.g., PCOC) wouldn't be listed in the signup list
 +  * The missing safety quals icon needs to be disabled for events without signup
 +  * Hide 'no qualifications' icon when calendar is viewed by parent/youth
 +  * Editing a standard qualification was not re-using its default sequence
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Show personal events in "My Reports" | "My History"
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * Creating new event and selecting targeted fundraising $0 as only label was resulting in a message about navigating away while there are unsaved edits
 +  * COMMISSIONERS: SS-964: Going to "Schedule" | "Options" | "Show other schedules was showing 'undefined' for the sections' names
 +  * SS-967: Couldn't create a new leader
 +  * Trying to edit the tech contact, and then clicking away (e.g., on Schedule) would always warn about unsaved changes
 +===== Patch (2019-04-15) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Updated to use salted BCrypt passwords
 +  * Updated unsubscribe mechanism (confirms before unsubscribing, vs Mandrill's unsubscribe first then redirect)
 +  * SS-1025: Multi-section events at the same time should be presented in order of age level (e.g., B/C/S/V/R/C)
 +  * Tweaked styling of RSVP and Unsubscribe pages
 +  * AU: Wired off Safety Qualifications
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * SS-1001: Couldn't bulk give credit for some badge requirements
 +  * SS-1004: Unfinalized report says "no upcoming events", when there are no unfinalized events
 +  * SS-993: Problems drilling down to OAS/top-section awards for some youth
 +  * SS-1018: youth that paid, but never signed up, were not showing as YES in event view
 +===== Patch (2019-05-03) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Added another accepted date format to roster import
 +  * SS-1046, SS-1048: When out of memory, offer user way to scrub queued updates for sections they can't access
 +  * Updated "hello" branding to align with the new website
 +  * Deprecated old vertical text mechanism
 +  * Streamlined email composition code
 +  * AU: OAS badges now displayed in the same order that they're listed under "Home" | "Outdoor Adventure Skills"
 +  * Improved Inventory sharing wording and instructions
 +  * Improved messaging for post-deadline RSVP attempts
 +  * ADMIN: Added renameGroup method
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * SS-1034: better name presentation of sections depending on whether you've defined nicknames under "Account" | "Collaboration"
 +  * Fixed StaleStateException issue by retrying with new dbSession
 +  * If you edit an email, click to another page, and then re-edit the same email within 5 seconds, your last edits would be lost
 +  * AU: OAS badges weren't being listed in the Commissioner's shareable inventory
 +===== Patch (2019-05-12) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * SS-1080: Added youth/scouter subtotals to the the signup/payment/attendance list
 +  * Improved wording on info website's pricing page
 +  * SS-997: Added "licensing" page to the wiki
 +  * EMAIL: Added List-Unsubscribe header, and support for missing emails in landing page
 +  * EMAIL: Hide "Resubscribe" button on Unsubscribe page until unsubscription has actually happened
 +  * Cleaned up some old non-CP terminology in the FAQ and Quick Reference Guide
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * EMAIL: SS-1084: If you click on "emails" before your initial sync is complete, you'd find that all event-related messages incorrectly show "a deleted event"
 +  * EMAIL: Clicking "include event's description" wasn't working
 +  * EMAIL: Clicking on link item in editor wasn't doing anything
 +  * EMAIL: SS-1089: Links to events were 404'ing (missing section type)
 +  * EMAIL: Pressing the delete key wasn't triggering a save of a draft email
 +  * EMAIL: SS-1104: Sometimes, falsely claiming there was no message body
 +  * EMAIL: SS-1099: Could get a default list of recipients of ","
 +  * SS-1095: Can switch current youth while there are still unsaved changes
 +  * SS-1102: Event and badge "Share" URL's were missing the domain
 +  * SS-472: Intra-section shared inventory was including catalogs that weren't relevant to the sharee, and OAS stages that weren't of interest
 +  * SS-1109: Initial sync problem.  Huge notes could grind the browser to a halt.
 +  * SC logo went missing as a result of their last redesign
 +  * RSVP: Respondents could't add/edit comments
 +  * AU: Fixed incorrect tally logic associated with Bushcraft Skills 5.6 and 5.7
 +===== Patch (2019-05-21) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * SS-1115: extended youthProgressReport to SC
 +  * Added paid-by information to tooltips on event view and Payment report
 +  * EMAIL: Get content directly from editor, rather than rely on triggerSave
 +  * Prevent warnings when switching accounts
 +  * Initialize variables/fields to avoid potential errors
 +  * Added national standing report
 +  * QUADRANT: Swapped some items, repurposed "other roles" as the "location" field
 +  * QUADRANT: Suppress process snapshot for non-Apprentice contacts
 +==== Bug Fixes ====
 +  * Link to C&YS screening document was broken by last redesign
 +  * Link to RiL resources was broken by last redesign
 +  * Link to Paddling resources cleaned up (partly due to last redesign)
 +  * Link to YLT resources was broken by last redesign
 +  * PACK: SS-1113: Spirituality Emblem had an auto-link to community service events
 +  * SS-1113: Attempting to reverse previously-awarded credit was not working
 +  * Showing other schedules' events on calendar was not displaying the section level on the colour swatch, if the event was a subscription
 +  * SS-1126: Unnecessary use of Public Profile's subgroup on "Account" | "Collaboration" page
 +  * Events with guest cost, but signup guest disable no longer are classified as requiring payment
 +  * Scouters who paid, but didn't signup were missing from the view event signup list
 +  * "Hello" should used culled notes (see SS-1109)
 +===== Patch (2019-06-11) =====
 +==== Miscellaneous Enhancements ====
 +  * Added photo consent fields to youth/scouters, also imported from MyScouts, shown on signup/attendance page
 +  * QUADRANT: Added advanced competencies
 +  * QUADRANT: Updated Level exams to include always complete
 +  * QUADRANT: Removed references to "Complete, but not awarded"
 +  * QUADRANT: Added sorting by location
 +  * QUADRANT: Update quicklinks and my reports based on whether the contact is an apprentice
 +  * QUADRANT: Added vocab for "badge" ("criterion")