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This release centres around event subscriptions and further enhances the email feature.
When you import an event from another section (e.g., through your shared calendar), you can new specify whether you want to COPY the event into your calendar, or SUBSCRIBE to it. The key difference in a subscribed event is that the details can be changed by the event creator, and will automatically be reflected in your calendar. So if you are planning a Group Camp (for example) the Troop leader can update the event with a new start/end time and that change will instantly be visible to the Beaver, Cub and Venturer parents. Signups, payments and related requirements are still just copied in, so that the Scouts can set one price for the camp, and the Cubs another, etc.
There were requests for the ability to prevent specific email addresses (particularly for the youth) from being exposed to other members of the troop/pack/company, while still allowing other email addresses (e.g., the parents) to be visible. This allows you to send out an email to which the parents can do a “reply all” (e.g., to discuss car-pooling) while keeping the youth's email addresses private.
To make an email address not be visible to other recipients, go to “Account” | “Logins” and drill down on any login. There you'll notice a new “Is 'Bcc' email address?” option. Thereafter, when you add the youth to the recipient list, that login will be added to the BCC header. Additionally, if you go into “Account” | “Scouts” | <some scout> | “Contacts” you'll notice that the other email addresses can now be classified as “To” or “Bcc” addresses.
Some sections further insist that NO email addresses ever be visible in any emails. Therefore, there is now an account preference that ensures that none of the recipients' email addresses are visible to any another recipient. To enable this feature go to “Account” | “Advanced” and toggle the new “Only 'Bcc' email recipients” option. When this is enabled, then every email address is treated like a Bcc address.
Leaders can now add a signature to their login. This gets automatically inserted to each new email.
Many of these have been rolled at as “hot fixes” in the weeks prior to this release, but are included here for posterity