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Release 14.2 - Key Features

Simplified Collaboration Setup

1. Any account can now enable an “auto collaborate” setting. This then makes them automatically appear in the list of the Collaboration sections of all the other accounts in your Group. I.e., if the 1st Muddy Paw Beavers enable “auto collaborate”, then they'll appear in the Collaboration list of the 1st Muddy Paw Pack, 1st Muddy Paw Troop and 1st Muddy Paw Company accounts, without the need for anyone to exchange keys.

2. If you are part of a Group/Area/Council license, and your Group has a Commissioner account that is likewise covered by the same Group/Area/Council license, then you'll now see a Commissioner-account setting called “Configure all sections to collaborate with each other”. This implicitly sets “auto collaborate” for all the other sections in your Group that are covered by the same Group/Area/Council license. This means that the Commissioner can flip one toggle switch and nobody else has to do anything to collaborate with the other accounts in your Group.

Section accounts can see the new “auto collaborate” option by going to “Account” | “Collaboration”.

Group Commissioner accounts can see the new “Configure all sections to collaborate with each other” option by going to “Account” | “Collaboration”

Skipping Ancient Events

Where is now a new “Only fetch events pertaining to active Youth” option under “Account” | “Advanced”. This restricts the data synchronization to only those events that occurred after the most senior active youth joined your Pack or after the oldest event that was participated in by at least one active member.

This option is enabled by default. But if you really do want to go back and see the details of a camp you ran 5 years ago, you can disable this option, whereupon all your events will be fetched… including the ones that pre-date any of your active youth.

Miscellaneous Enhancements

  • COMMISSIONERS: RSVP: Re-enable RSVP for key-people only events
  • EMAIL: Display warnings when trying to “Add Everyone” or “Add Parents” to events that not everyone can see (e.g., scouter-only or Personal)
  • COMMISSIONERS: List of sections in Emergency List isn't sorted
  • Suppress creation of “null” healthnotes
  • Prevent re-entrant callbacks during sync
  • Updating optin (manually or by email spam/unsub) now updates optins of all logins in all editions
  • Reduced number of image fetches on connection
  • Auto-collaboration with other sections in your Group

Bug Fixes

  • Could “add everyone” to scouter-only or personal events. Should give a warning.
  • Prevent role=null from being uploaded when updating scouters
  • COMMISSIONERS: RSVP: If a scouter also had a parent login, and an RSVP was sent out for a scouter-only event, then there would be RSVP buttons added for the youth
  • SS-675: Out-of-date emails and emergency info for 4 accounts
  • LOGIN: If you “add login” for a youth A where the login already was associated with another youth B, then the youth A's email contacts was not including the new login (i.e., just updating Accesses, not EmailContacts)
  • LOGIN: If you “add login” for a youth A where the login already is associated with another youth B, and the existing login is not specified as parent/youth, then the new login is also indeterminate, even if you specified it
  • SS-678: When giving credit, could not change the current value by zero
  • RSVP: Banner image in landing page wasn't showing up in FF and IE
  • COLONY: “Old Badges & Awards” was showing up, even though there was no old Program
  • “Only fetch events pertaining…” feature was excluding events with no participants
  • COMMISSIONERS: Couldn't edit section labels

Patch (2019-01-07)

Miscellaneous Enhancements

  • Added start up tips to inform people about auto-collaboration options
  • COMMISSIONERS: Mandatory auto-collaboration is now always visible, even if you're not part of a volume license, because there's a message box that outlines the requirements for use when you try to click it
  • Non-scouters shouldn't have to pick the youth when generating the Personal Journey Card

Bug Fixes

  • Saving changes to updated “Other” | “All Badges” had no effect
  • Deleted accounts were being included in list of collaborating sections, when group is configured for mandatory auto-collaboration
  • Deleted accounts included in list of collaborating sections were preventing launch
  • SS-727: Personal Journey Cards were blank for non-scouter logins
  • SS-722: FIREFOX: Mis-aligned “Recent Locations” dropdown
release_14.2.txt · Last modified: 2020/12/23 17:11 (external edit)